

  • Department Head

  • S. Baskaran
  • Superintending Engineer (Special Projects,Smart City & Registration of Contractors) (i/c)
  • Greater Chennai Corporation, Ripon Building,Chennai-600003
  • 9445190852 / 25619302     sespecialprojects@gmail.com
  • Special Projects Department

  • The Special Projects Department was established in Greater Chennai Corporation to take up novel, innovative and unique projects, under various schemes such as Smart City mission, Singara Chennai 2.0, and projects funded by multi-lateral agencies like World Bank, JICA, AFD.

    Under Smart City mission, various network of pedestrianized footpath was developed around Area Based Development (ABD) area (T.Nagar) to have free walking space from and to the pedestrian plaza for leisure family shopping in this commercial hub. Pedestrian Plaza in Pondy Bazaar is one of the state-of-art redevelopment of road project which focused on various components like underground utilities, wider and safe footpath for elders, children, necessary amenities for pedestrians such as seating clusters, sheltered bus-stops, toilets, covered dustbins, inclusive play space and so on. Other projects like Multi-level parking at T.Nagar, on-street parking management, Public Bike sharing system, development of Villivakkam tank, Construction of integrated command and control centre were carried out under the mission.

    Under the AFD / CITIIS fund existing Greater Chennai Corporation Schools are being transformed into Model & Smart Schools at various locations. The project aims to holistically transform Chennai Schools across six transformational areas viz. (i) civil infrastructure; (ii) pedagogical innovation; (iii) capacity building of teachers and administrators; (iv) digital infrastructure and e-governance; (v) extra-curricular interventions (in sports, fine-arts, etc.); and (vi) partnerships with NGOs, corporate foundations. Project details

    Under the JICA fund, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) project is being implemented. The project is meant to construct efficient traffic system to meet increasing traffic demands in Chennai Metropolitan Area with the following systems viz.,

    1. Traffic Information and Management System and
    2. City Bus System. Project details

    With the Support of World Bank, Mega Street development is proposed across 6 neigborhoods in Chennai as part of redevelopment and revamp of road network. This project would be implemented under two phases i.e., Sustainable Urban Services Program (SUSP) and Urban Mobility and Spatial Development (UMSD). Total length of roads to be executed under SUSP is 11.6 Km and Total length of roads to be executed under UMSD is 50 Km. Project details

    DBFOT of Toilets - a private concessionaire through open-bidding process who will “Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer the toilets in the Zones of 5,6 & 9 (Marina only)”. The duration of the project is 9 years which include 1 year for Design, Build and Commissioning and 8 years for Operation & Maintenance. The project is structured as a Hybrid Annuity Model – Public Private Partnership with the annuity payments to the concessionaire based on Key Performance Indicators. Subsequently, feasibility study was taken up for remaining zones and Detailed Feasibility Report has been prepared. Project details

    Conservation, Revitalisation and Seismic Retrofitting of Victoria Public Hall - Victoria Public Hall, or the Town Hall, is a historical landmark building in Chennai. It was built to commemorate the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria and the building is an excellent example of Indo-Saracenic architecture. The restoration and revitalisation work at Victoria Public Hall is being carried out. Project details

    Under Singara Chennai 2.0, Construction of Animal Birth Control (C-CAP) centre is being developed out at three locations i.e., Puliyanthope, Lloyds Colony and Kannammapettai. Project details

    Comprehensive Integrated Parking and Commercial Development has been planned to address the prevailing high parking demand in Chennai City. This project has been included under the iconic projects of the Government. The project would focus on developing 15 land parcels of GCC and other GoTN lands within GCC area. Currently, Consultants have been appointed and preparation of detailed feasibility study is in progress. Project details