

Mechanical Engineering
  • Department Head

  • B. Shankaravelu
  • Superintending Engineer (Mechanical)(i/c)
  • Greater Chennai Corporation, Ripon Building,Chennai-600003
  • 9445190731 / 25303862     semechanical@chennaicorporation.gov.in
  • Mechanical Engineering

  • The Mechanical Engineering Department, a unit of Greater Chennai Corporation plays important role in removal of Garbage & Debris in a systematic way by using necessary vehicles and being the back bone of solid waste management.

    Mechanical Engineering Department operates and maintains a fleet of 2971 vehicles of various types for following purposes.:

    • Garbage and Debris Clearance
    • Health Support Systems like Fogging Operations, Cattle raids, dog  catching and Ambulance Services etc
    • Cleaning of  Road  Centre Medians by using Mechanical Sweepers.
    • Cleaning of Spill Over Garbage in streets by using Vehicle Mounted Garbage Suction Machines.
    • De weeding and silt removal in Major canals by Amphibian Equipment.
    • De weeding in the Lakes and Ponds by Mini Amphibian.
    • Inspection vehicles for GCC Officials
    • Aerial access platform for attending Street Light Repairs
    • School Bus for Student’s Educational Tours etc
    • Cleaning of Silt and other materials to ensure free flow of Storm Water Drains by using vehicle mounted High capacity Suction cum jetting machine with recycling facility.
    • Tree pruning and removal of fallen trees by using Hydraulic operated Tree pruning machine.
    • Dozing and leveling of Garbage at dumping grounds by using Bulldozer and Hydraulic excavators.

    Sl No


    Vehicle Type

    Total No of Vehicles



    Garbage and Debris Clearance

    Battery Operated Vehicles


    for Door to Door collection of garbage thereby easing the conservancy operations

    Battery Operated Tri Cycles


    Vaccum Operated Garbage Suction machine Mounted on Small Commercial Vehicle


    Big Compactors      (14 Cu.M. capacity)


    To lift garbage from the dustbins Placed in the streets, Compact the garbage and transport to Transfer stations.

    Small Compactors (6 Cu.M Capacity




    To cart bulk quantity of garbage from Transfer Stations to Dumpsites.

    Tipper Lorries


    To Transport the debris from streets to dump sites

    Front End Loaders


    To load debris from streets to Tipper lorries, To make trenches, To remove encroachments, Sectioning garbage in the transfer stations.

    Skid Steer Loaders


    To lift garbage/debris from interior roads/slum roads and load into debris lorries.

    Mechanical Sweeper


    To sweep and suck the fine dust particles deposited on the roads especially in the centre medians & water tables.

    Beach Cleaning Machine


    To maintain cleanliness of beach by removing garbage, Plastic items, Bottles, Waste paper from the sand.


    Street Light Repairs

    Electrical Ladders


    For repairing of Street Lights.


    Parks and Centre Medians

    Water Tankers


    Water supply for plants and greeneries in Parks and Centre Medians.


    Dozing and leveling of garbage at dumping ground

    Hydraulic Excavator (Poclain)


    The Grapplers are used for loading garbage from Transfer Stations on to Haulage Trucks, also deployed for Leveling of Garbage in Dump Sites



    Leveling of Garbage in Dump Sites.


    Official’s Inspection Purposes

    Inspection vehicles


    Official’s Inspection Purposes


    Health Support vehicles, school bus and other dept. use

    Other Categories


    Buses for Education, Tractors for towing purpose, and other vehicles i.e. Battery Operated Sprayers ,Ambulances, Dog catching vans, cattle catching vans, and other vehicles etc for health department use.


    Truck Mounted Mobile Toilets (She Toilets)



    De weeding and silt removal at canals and lakes.

    Amphibian Equipment


    To clean the open canals having greater than 3 meters width

    Robotic Multipurpose Excavator


    To clean the open canals having less than 3 meters width

    Mini Amphibian Equipment


    To clean the Lakes & bonds having greater than 3 meters width


    Silt removal in Storm Water Drains

    Vehicle Mounted High Capacity Suction Cum Jetting Machine with Recycling Facility (Recycler)


    For cleaning of storm water drains


    Delivery of Food at Economic Cost

    Mobile Amma Unavagam


    to carry cooked food from Amma Unavagam to construction sites


    Disaster Management

    Tree Pruning machine


    To reach greater heights and for removal of tree branches

    Tele Handler


    To reach greater heights to carry out multipurpose works.

    Total  No of Vehicles  :                  2971

    Funcations of M.E Department
    • This department is headed by Superintending Engineer and three Regional Executive Engineers, one Executive Engineer (HQ) for Administration, Capital works and Printing press and One Executive Engineer for Inspection Vehicle  and disposal of condemned Vehicles.
    • Zonal Lorry Stations of Core Zones i.e., Zones 4,5,6,7,& 8 in which conservancy operations are carried out by GCC are being monitored by one AE /JE (Mech) for each zone.
    • Privatised Zones in North Region ( Zones1,2& 3), Central  Region ( Zones 9 & 10) and South  Region (Zones  11 to 15 ) are being monitored by three AEs.
    • AE/JEs are responsible for ensuring timely marchout of conservancy/other vehicles in three shifts and maintenance of vehicles
    • One Conservancy inspector under the control of concerned Zonal Officer is responsible for posting of driver and vehicles for assigned divisions, ensuring timely marchout and maintaining the driver attendance and their establishment related activities.
    • There are three major main depots in three Regions (North ,Central nd South) which are primarily taking care of major repairs and FC (Fitness renewal) works and controlling the Lorry stations under their respective region.
    • One AEE (Mech) is posted for each  regional main depot to monitor the functions of the lorry stations under their respective region and  to carryout major repairs and FC renewal works for the vehicles of their region and also to  carryout Establishment works related to workshop and drivers working in main depot.
    • One Executive Engineer (Mech) for each Region will monitor the above mentioned areas of work in the region.
    • Executive Engineer-I HQ is responsible for Administration and Procurement of new vehicles, Printing Press and another Executive Engineer -II HQ is responsible for maintaining all Inspection vehicles and disposal of Condemned vehicles.
    Inspection Vehicle Depot

    This depot is located in Adhithanar Salai, Pudupet and carries out maintenance of  202 Nos. of various types of inspection vehicles and other vehicles which are allotted to GCC officials.

    Printing Press

    Mechanical Engineering department is maintaining a printing press at No.60, Wall tax road which caters the needs to the entire stationary and printing needs of all Zones & Departments under Greater Chennai Corporation. Flex banners are also being printed for all department needs by one dedicated machine.

    Disposal of Condemned vehicles

    Condemned vehicles and other scrap items are kept at CLS and being disposed by engaging M/s.MSTC Ltd (Govt. of India undertaking) as a service provider to carryout e–Auction.

    Online Monitoring of Vehicles

    Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC)

    In order to carryout effective monitoring and online management of vehicles, in 2971 Nos of vehicles are maintained by Mechanical Engineering Department a Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) was established and daily marchout of conservancy , other vehicles , special equipment and repair status are updated daily .

    Special Equipments

    Recently Special type equipments were procured from Finland/ Switzerland for the use of Canal cleaning to reduce mosquito menace and ensure free flow of water by de-silting.

    1. Amphibian Equipment:

    Two nos. of Amphibian Equipment were procured with operation & Maintenance, for the removal of Hyacinth plants / Rank vegetation/floating materials/silt  in the major canals  having width of 3.5 Mts and above. This Equipment is being deployed in major canals maintained by GCC and PWD.

    2. Robotic Multi-Purpose Excavator

    GCC has procured 4 nos. of Robotic Multi-Purpose Excavators with operation & Maintenance for the removal of Hyacinth plants/Rank vegetation / floating materials/silt in the minor drains having width less than 3.5 Mts .

    3. Mini Amphibian Equipment

    3 nos. of Mini Amphibian were procured from Sweden and deployed to remove the weeds, water hyacinth, trash, floating materials etc., from small ponds, lakes.

    4. Vehicle Mounted High Capacity Suction Cum Jetting Machine With Recycling Facility

    As per the directions of Supreme Court to stop the manual scavenging of storm water drains within the limits of Greater Chennai Corporation, 7 Nos. of vehicle mounted High capacity suction cum jetting machine with recycling facility, have been procured under Swacch Bharath Mission Fund(6 nos.) and State Diaster Response fund(1 No.) and deployed

    5. Beach Cleaning Machine

    8 Nos. of Beach Cleaning machines are procured under Swadesh Dharshan Scheme of Tourism department of which , 5 Nos. are deployed in Marina beach and 3 Nos. in Besant Nagar Beach to maintain cleanliness by removing garbage, Plastic items, Bottles, Waste paper from the sand.

    6. Telehandler

    One number of Telehandler equipment with multiple attachments like bucket, grappler, man lifting platform is purchased at the total cost of Rs. 39.50 lakhs under the State Disaster Response Fund to remove the branches and fallen trees, fallen electric poles, to rescue the people from the height of 11 meter during the Monsoon Disaster period within the jurisdiction of Greater Chennai Corporation.

    7. Tree Pruning Machine

    6 Numbers of Hydraulic Operated Self Propelled Tree Pruning Machines were purchased under SDR Fund during the year 2018. These machines were deployed in Zones to cut the unwanted branches causing hindrance to public transport, to trim trees in parks and common places etc. These machines can also be used in disaster period, to clear the uprooted trees.

    8. Vaccum Operated Garbage Suction machine Mounted on Small Commercial Vehicle

    In order to maintain Chennai city litter - free, 15 Nos. of Vaccum Operated Garbage Suction machine Mounted on Small Commercial Vehicle are procured at a total cost of Rs.4.34 crore under Swachh Bharath Mission fund for cleaning of wet garbage and other wastes like cans, human faces, animal waste, food waste, bottles, broken glass, etc from narrow lane, congested places, inaccessible areas especially in slum tenement, canal bank, around the EB box, transformers, etc. These higher end technology machines have large diameter suction hose which can easily remove large quantity of Garbage in short time. It will enhance conservancy activities in Chennai City.

    9. Battery Operated Vehicles

    • In order to upkeep the public hygiene, day to day removal of Garbage at Door Steps is mandatory. Initially, Tricycles are in use for the primary collection of Solid Waste on doorsteps run by sanitary workers manually. There are hardships faced and to overcome this, it has been felt to introduce mechanized battery operated vehicles in order to ease the door to door collection of garbage. The collection efficiency will be increased apart from reducing the burden of the Conservancy workers.

    • Hence, in the first phase, 411 Nos. of Battery Operated Vehicles are procured and deployed in Zones I to XV. These vehicles have considerably reduced the garbage collection time and manual effort of tri cycle workers and maximized garbage collection thereby facilitating effective primary collection in conservancy operation. Also, these vehicles are environment friendly.

    • Now, in the 2nd phase, Work order placed for the procurement of 1684 Nos. of Battery Operated Vehicles with Lithium Ion Battery under Swachh Bharath Mission Fund (10th SHPC) and vehicles are being received in batches.

    10. Mobile Amma Unavagam fabricated on Small Commercial Vehicle

    As per the instruction of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, 3 Nos. of Mobile Amma Unavagam units are fabricated on Small Commercial Vehicle for the benefit of economically weaker people at a total cost of Rs. 0.27 crore under capital fund of Greater Chennai Corporation. These vehicles are used to carry cooked food from Amma Unavagam to construction sites to sell at lower prices for the benefit of the labours who are working there.

    11. Truck Mounted Mobile Toilets (She Toilets)

    At present, Greater Chennai Corporation has 4 Nos. of Mobile Toilets (Mounted and Trolley) for the use of the Public (Common Gender). In order to ensure the safety of the women at public places, 15 Nos. of Truck Mounted Mobile Toilets has been procured exclusively for the use of women under Nirbhaya Scheme.

    Truck Mounted Mobile Toilets (She Toilets)