


  • Department Head

  • K. Vijayakumar
  • Superintending Engineer (Electrical)
  • Greater Chennai Corporation Ripon Building,Chennai-600003
  • 9445190738 / 25619371     seelectrical@chennaicorporation.gov.in
  • History

  • The History of Electrical Department dates back to 1910.  Until then, lighting of the city was done by oil lights.  The streetlamps were first introduced in 1785.  Till 1857 there were only 200 oil light lamps.  By the year 1910, there were 6500 oil lights.  Electric streetlighting was introduced for the first time, during 1910.  The improvement of lighting on this account was so marked that the number of electric lights gradually increased till the year 1924-25, where all the lights were completely electric lights. Later, the streetlights were of fluorescent lamps and then Mercury lamps & Sodium vapour lamps. Then during the year 2013, the energy saving LED streetlights were introduced & now all the streetlights are energy saving LED streetlights..

  • Maintenance by Greater Chennai Corporation:

  • The Electrical Department is mainly responsible for the installation & maintenance of streetlights and all electrical installations in Greater Chennai Corporation buildings, schools, Amma unavagams, hospitals, parks, playgrounds and burial grounds.

  • Street Lights

  • The Greater Chennai Corporation is now maintaining 3,01,234 lights which includes streetlights and lights in parks, playfields and burial grounds. These are 100% energy saving lights. 450 nos. of high mast lights have also been installed and maintained in places of public gathering and important junctions.

    In Greater Chennai Corporation, all the streetlights are monitored by Remote Group Monitoring System. This enables remotely switching ON/OFF the streetlights in real time. Alerts regarding non-burning of streetlights are sent to the engineers concerned by SMS from the system. This will enable addressing the non-burning of streetlights at a quicker pace.

    Category –Wise Street Lights

  • Energy Consumption and Cost

  • There is 45% energy savings by converting all the streetlights into LED.

  • All the solid waste collected in GCC are dumped in Perungudi Dumping Ground and Kodungaiyur Dumping Ground. In order to reduce dumping at PDG & KDG, solid waste are segregated and processed through bio-CNG method at zonal level.

  • For this, 630, 800, 1000 and 1250 KVA capacity transformers were installed & supply availed for these solid waste processing facilities are carried out by the Electrical department.
  • UHF Communication & Disaster management Works

  • Wireless walkie-talkie sets have been provided to all Zonal Offices, field level officials and the vehicles of Zonal Officers and other higher officers for easy communication in performing daily civic routine works of Greater Chennai Corporation.  This is also useful during natural calamities, fire accidents and elections.  In case of fire accidents occurring during the night, temporary lighting arrangements at the accident site and other emergency works are carried out.  18 mobile high mast vehicles and 15 portable high masts with generators are being kept ready for these emergency works.

  • Subway Motors

  • There are currently 17 subways in the jurisdiction of the Greater Chennai Corporation. Electrical submersible motors have been installed in the center of these subways along with Diesel Genset to ensure uninterrupted operation during power cuts. Uninterrupted 24/7 operation is ensured by the Electrical department.

  • Electrical submersible pumps

  • In the low lying and flood inundated areas electrical submersible pumps have been provided temporarily along with Diesel Gensets to ensure uninterrupted operation during the rainy season.

  • Right of Way (RoW) – Mobile towers and other telecommunication devices

  • Internet service provider companies run fiber optic cables over the ground and under the ground to provide Internet services to the general public and other establishments in the Greater Chennai Corporation area. As per the Tamil Nadu government order, the Right of Way permissions for telecom infrastructure are being processed by the Assistant Executive Engineers of the Electrical department in coordination with Assistant Revenue Officers.

  • In GCC jurisdiction, unwanted internet and cable TV wires tied over streetlight lamp posts are removed and set – right every Saturday in one ward per Zone on a regular basis. This work is also carried out while attending / repairing of streetlights.

  • Cable TV:
              As per the TN urban local body rules, track rent is being collected for cable TV wires carried over streetlight poles in GCC.

  • Solar Roof Top Plants

  • Solar Roof Top Plants have been installed in 722 Greater Chennai Corporation owned buildings with a capacity generation of 3,239 Mwp. Due to this, Rs.3 crore per year is being saved towards current consumption charges.

Officials in Electrical Department

S.No Designation Mobile No
1 Superintending Engineer/ Electrical 9445190738
2 Divisional Electrical Engineer/ Head Quarters 9445190751
3 Divisional Electrical Engineer/North (Zone 1 to 5) 9445190753
4 Divisional Electrical Engineer/Central (Zone 6 to 10) 9445190754
5 Divisional Electrical Engineer/South (Zone 11 to 15) 9445190752
  • For Complaints

S.No Zone No Zone AEE Mobile No.
1 01 9445190041
2 02 9445190042
3 03 9445190043
4 04 9445190044
5 05 9445190045
6 06 9445190046
7 07 9445190047
8 08 9445190048
9 09 9445190049
10 10 9445190050
11 11 9445190051
12 12 9445190052
13 13 9445190053
14 14 9445190054
15 15 9445190055

In order to improve the intensity of light, various steps are being taken by Greater Chennai Corporation

  • The short posts and uneven span of street lamp posts are being replaced by new street light.
  • The old deteriorated cables which are causing voltage problem are replaced by new cable.
  • The main problem of insufficient intensity of lights is due to branches of trees which are affecting the illumination on the roads. In such cases, pruning of trees are done, while attending the non-burning of lights by using cutters.
  • Under Ground Cable are laid and being maintained in all the roads for street lights as a safety measure and it will minimize the faults when compared to over head lines.
  • Laying of underground cable will avoid any untoward accident during monsoon period.
  • Roles & Responsibilities

1 Superintending Engineer/ Electrical Superintending Engineer/ Electrical is the head of the department and is responsible for all the activities of the Electrical department including ICCC, Town Planning, IT Cell and GIS.
2 Divisional Electrical Engineer Responsible for capital and maintenance works for streetlights and electrical installations under their jurisdiction
3 Assistant Executive Engineer/ Electrical Responsible for capital and maintenance works for streetlights and electrical installations under their jurisdiction. Besides monitoring the day-to-day maintenance works being carried out by the section AE/JEs.
4 Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer / Electrical Responsible for preparing estimates and executing capital and maintenance works for streetlights and electrical installations, such as lights, fans, ACs, plug points, etc., in office buildings, schools, hospitals, Amma unavagams, parks, playgrounds and burial grounds under their jurisdiction.
5 Supervisors Responsible for maintenance of streetlights & electrical installations in GCC buildings under their jurisdiction.
6 Electrician/Skilled Assistant Grade I Responsible for attending non-burning of streetlights, maintenance of pillar boxes and fuse boxes.
7 Permanent Labours / Unskilled worker Attending non-burning of streetlights and attending underground cable faults.