At present, Greater Chennai Corporation offers various online related services to public. Major services such as Proper tax payment, self assessment system and easy download of birth &amb; death certificates are considered to be the highly accessed online public services. In particular, the easy download birth and death certificate option received huge response from public and the reason behind that is its simple and ease of access concept. People from any part of the world can download their birth certificates in few clicks with no much digital hindrances, however no correction addition or deletion option is made available to Public online.Greater Chennai Corporation has made it a point to offer its online services to public with high data security and easy accessibility, which in turn has given us more than 6979510 visitors to our website. Since 2008 the option of downloading both birth and death certificates are available online and till date more than 13172402 users have been benefited using this service. Adding to this, the best part about the online birth and death system is its data security. Because till date no single record / data has been tampered or manipulated by public. The birth and death data available online are safe and secured

The requirement of Aadhaar number is not mandatory for the death registrations/Certificate. In case Aadhaar Number of the deceased is not available, it will be sufficient to get a declaration to the effect from the applicant/ Similarly the applicant may also provide his own Aadhaar number and Aadhaar numbers of spouse and parents, If they are available, for establishing their identities.